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Hi! Welcome to the group TAJIKS IN THE USA! This group was created to unite Tajiks so we can help each other being far away from our homes; keep in touch; find friends and create networks; ask questions and learn more about USA and its attributes; look for the opportunities; share ideas and exchange thoughts; upload pictures/videos; and whole lot more!
We have few easy rules set by the members to keep everything organized and simple.
*Respect each other and each other’s opinion.
*If you would like to share funny stories, jokes, or sayings do so using the document named “Афоризмы, крылатые выражения, мудрые изречения, анекдоты”.
*Add your funny pictures to “Смешные снимки - Funny pictures” albums, pictures of Tajikistan are collected in “Tajikistan” album.
*No religious posts and links.
All Albums and Docs could be found on top of the page under the group’s name. You may find very useful resources and tips about the USA in the files we created and we are planning to post more!
Add your friends, create your own resources and have fun!
If you have any suggestions or concerns please message me directly.
(c) Umed Wynn