Психологія творчості. Помалюємо?) / Psychology o

  • Подписчики: 176 подписчиков
  • ID: 43523684
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IN UKRANIAN Розкриваємо та досліджуємо свої здібності, емоції, бажання, стани. Малюємо усе, що побажається (в залежності від настрою) в любій техніці будь-якими матеріалами. Вміння-невміння малювати не має значення, головне самовираження (усі вміють малювати, насправді;) Заряджаємось хорошим настроєм, енергією та позитивом! Зустрічі проходять на природі, або в приміщенні (на випадок холоду аба дощу). Про місце попередньо домовляємось. IN ENGLISH Hey folks! In Kyiv, we have a free event of drawing with a teacher. He is a Psychology of Art teacher at National Academy of Fine Arts, Kyiv. He is experienced traveller and has many acquaintances around the world including artists from Siberia, Canada, States, Turkey etc. What we do in this event? Well, try to come with your drawing equipment such as papers and drawing materials -pen, pencil, colourful pastels and so on- If you do not own any of it, I will try to share my materials but in case a lot of people come, know that it will be hard for me to share fully because in one event we are drawing at least 3-4 pictures. In this event, we are drawing pictures that are connected with the topics such as soul, creation and many others. Somethimes you, as a participant will be able to give opinions about the topic. At the end of every section, our tutor will exchange pictures and will try to find connections in between each other and will ask us to continue to draw connected with other participants drawings. Also, he will try to find previous drawings connected with your creation and he will comment on your drawing. In every event you will have homeworks. What level of drawing you should have? Of course, our teacher is not looking for art student or for any well drawer artist. Many people in this event are art students or interested in art but me and my other friends have no knowledge about drawing but still, our teacher takes care of our drawings and comment on them. Your technical skill is not important. It is important in what way, how you show your mood, your idea and your soul. So, just come. When, where and how we meet? All these things depends at all times. Our tutor has many activities like this one. He is making them for free just for people. As I said, he is spending big part of week at art school. So, we are always deciding one or two day before about the meeting day-time-place. Because of that you should try to send me email about exact date. You can leave a comment here but emailing will give faster results. I love Kyiv and creative people. Come and join us! --- It costs 0 hrv. Location can change. Time can change. Place can change. If you are interested leave a comment or if you want contact me fastly, email me at osmanboylu@yahoo.com.tr Our group in Vkontakte https://vk.com/psuhologiya_tvorchosti ---