Фридрихом Луисом Доберманом

  • Подписчики: 30 подписчиков
  • ID: 30463346
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Authentic Doberman Pinscher History Researched & Authenticated In the mid to late 1800s a tax collector by the name of Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann of Apolda in the state of Thuringia, Germany, genetically worked on creating the first of the line of the Dobermann breed. By 1899 the Doberman Pinscher breed was born. The Doberman Pinscher was to be a medium sized dog that was elegant, muscular, intelligent and extremely powerful. The Doberman Pinscher was originally created to assist Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann with his daily duties as a tax collector. Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann experienced a lot of aggression, stress, and violence while completing his collection duties. The Doberman Pinscher was to assist with keeping the tax collected client submissive and reduce the aggression, stress and violence directed towards Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann was an avid animal lover, more specifically a dog lover. To the extent he got involved with running a local animal shelter. One of his main duties was to catch stray dogs in his district. Over the next nine years additional refinements were done with the Doberman Pinscher so by 1908 the Doberman Pinscher was a perfect specimen and accepted in Germany as an official breed. Shortly some time later the Doberman Pinscher breed was also accepted in the United States of America. The Doberman Pinscher original and first genetic donors were the German Rottweiler and the old German Shepard, not the one that we all know as the German Shepard today. The characteristics to achieve from these dogs were their intelligence, strength, stamina, and tracking skills. Even though these combinations made a great dog, Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann did not think it was enough and he wanted more. The greyhound and the old original Manchester Terrier were also added into the gene pool. This added a better skeletal frame, a sleeker skull, greater flexibility and speed. The Doberman Pinscher has dark eyes which are set deeply back into the head. It has a muscular but thin neck. Its back is short and arched but muscular. The Doberman Pinscher has a magnificent chest which is broad and well proportioned with its muscular figure. Its legs are straight with perfection with well rounded arched padded feet. They always have their d-claws and tails docked. The hair is always short, soft and shinny. They shed at a low level. Its total body frame is elastic, muscular, powerful and gorgeous. The Doberman Pinschers ears are of preference. Some have them professionally cropped and others leave them natural. In today's 21st century the cropped ears are preferred and add value to the Doberman Pinscher. The Doberman Pincher is accepted in four colors: black, red, blue and fawn. The fawn is also known as Isabella. The most common are the black and tan as well as the red and tan. Any other color besides the four accepted for the breed is not allowed in its authenticity. Other colors like the albino should never be bred and are considered to be faults and could never compete. Some find these types of mutations to be a collector's item and other the majority find it be an irresponsible breeders work. The albino Doberman Pinscher should never be purchased. Also a puppy breed from a blue or isabella sire or dame should never be purchases. A blue or isabella puppy may be purchase from a litter that has two parents from the black or red colors. But this blue or isabella puppy should never be breed so it does not continue to pass on the gene.