☞ Non-gambling games ☜

  • Подписчики: 405 подписчиков
  • ID: 12244567
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This group is for the lovers of games, where the win depends on the players' skill and not on the chance! Here anyone can find something interesting for themselves. You can also find all the information about the tournaments and arrangements consecrated to the world of non-gambling games! We also rise in opposition to ludomania - a problem, that is apprehended to be a serious threat to the mental health of the population. A man stops receiving positive emotions from the game, but already can not stop once having won a sum of money, having experienced it's burst of adrenalin, whereupon an idea comes: ''Why not to try again?'' And the buttons or dibs drop into the lap again. But one day the win finishs, and the hope that if it happened once, it is certainly to repeat one more time again stays! In this very moment, when it is already hard for a person to stop from the will to play more, it can be said the person has fallen under the influence of ludomania. THE INFORMATION LISTED IN THE GROUP DOESN'T HAVE ANY COMMERCIAL BACKGROUND, THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE GROUP DOESN'T PROSECUTE ANY PERSONAL INTEREST Welcome! We are glad to see you! Here you will find: ● News ● Discussion (discussions on group themes; Polls; GAME HISTORY; GAME RULES) ● Photo stuff ● Video stuff We will be glad to answer any questions emerged. Friends, please write us about what you would like to see in our group, we in our turn, try to exert every effort, make our best for our group to be even better and even more interresting! P. S. If you enjoyed our group, INVITE your friends to JOIN it. With this you will help us a lot to develop the group further. Let us be more and ludomanians less! Our associates: Deutschsprachige Länder http://vkontakte.ru/club12695013 Русскоговорящие страны http://vkontakte.ru/club11434665 Hispanohablante países http://vkontakte.ru/club12695052 Yours faithfully, administration of the group "Non-gambling games".