XX Летний университет ASEF в Чите

  • Подписчики: 34 подписчиков
  • ID: 123729393
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23-24 августа в Чите пройдёт этап 20-го Летнего университета Азиатско-Европейского фонда. Забайкальский государственный университет примет в своих стенах 55 участников со всего мира, которые совершают путешествие по Китаю, России и Монголии. Волонтёры будут задействованы в организации передвижения, питания, проживания и сопровождения участников. Язык Летнего лагеря - английский! The 20th ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU20) is for those who are hungry to explore the role of transportation and trade in connecting Asia and Europe – in the past, present and future. Be part of the Asia-Europe team of young professionals and students who will travel together for 2 weeks across China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation under the theme “Gateways of Asia and Europe: Connectivity by Land, Sea & Air". In conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process, ASEFSU20 explores the concept of "Connectivity" between Asia and Europe from 3 lenses: Human Connectivity, Trade and Economic Cooperation, and Transport. ASEFSU20 leverages on the accelerating social and economic linkages between the 2 dynamic continents. The journey passes through emerging economic corridors in these 3 countries where you will meet and learn from local communities and take upon real-scenario challenges on road, rail, maritime and air transportation. ASEFSU20 brings the participants together with government officials, businesses, academia and the civil society, and offers a top-tier environment for professional and personal development. Experience first-hand Asia-Europe connectivity on the go! ASEFSU20 is your opportunity to apply your skills and add-on an once-in-a-lifetime educational expedition! #applytoFLY #TRAINyourbrain #thekeytotheSEA #ontheROUTEinagoodmood When? 2 weeks between 15 August to 5 September 2016 (final dates subject to minor changes) Where? Beijing (China), Harbin (China), Vladivostok (Russian Federation), Chita (Russian Federation), Irkutsk (Russian Federation) and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)